Dear Youth,
We are indeed what we call ourselves. Our names, addresses, Interests, concerns and even our connections are all known to only us. It’s whatever we called it, people are going to believe.
Though further verification could proof our claim as being exact or less or more than we have called it. But definitely, to a good extent the information will be real.
What are you calling yourself? What are you calling your country? How are you seeing your Nation? And how have you used your mouth to make or mar it?
All this questions and more are begging for answers. But note that, you are what you called yourself. And same for what you called your Nation.
If you see this country as great, you will work for it’s greatness. And it will eventually become great. If you however see it as failed, you keep believing that nothing will work and consequently, it will remain a failed Nation.
Remember that being a citizen of a Nation by origin is almost unchangeable. Even if you leave this country and never return, being your Nation of origin, you will still have family members here either immediate or extended.
Wishing our Nation well either you are here or not is important. Working for it’s betterment is essential. Seeing it becomes great should be our dream.
Advocating for a better Nigeria as youth, is advocating for a life of ease and comfort for yourself.
May our Nation be great
_Happy National Youth Day to all youth_
_Happy new month_
Build the youth, build the Nation
Up youth, Togetherness
Hon Jelili Sulaimon
Executive Chairman
Alimosho Local Government